The innovative app has already won several nominations and renowned prizes
1547827410ISSO logo nieuw award
Lighthouse award 2016

Fast and accurate insight into life cycle costs

High sustainability ambitions and new forms of tendering involve new challenges for the market. With the current tools, it becomes a very expensive and time-consuming process to make substantiated design choices. Life Cycle Vision brings all the disciplines together. In this way, you can finally make a technically substantiated choice of the most sustainable integrated design solution.  Even without specialised technical knowledge, highly accurate and detailed estimates of the building installations are made for every design phase from construction to operation.

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Why Life Cycle Vision?

  • Fast and effective (to a complete LCC in 4 steps)
  • Suitable for all phases (design, construction and operation)
  • Can be used by anyone (with or without installation knowledge)
  • Reliable and substantiated (all data transparent)
  • Fits into standard design process
  • Complete (building and user installations)
  • All installations (mechanical, sanitary, electrical, transport)
  • Realistic energy consumption (calculated per hour over a whole year)
  • Accessible anywhere by internet
  • Always up to date on standards and cost information
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  • Sustainable calculation

    The calculation model makes it possible to produce an integrated design from the start of a project, which can be managed to minimise the life cycle costs.

  • Easy to use

    With the LCC calculation model, you get a fully-fledged design instrument that can be used to determine the life cycle costs of a building at any desired level of abstraction.

  • Realistic results

    Given that the architectural preconditions are included in the calculation system, a much more realistic picture of the installation costs can be obtained than is possible on the basis of the key cost figures.

  • Quick comparison

    Our calculation system makes it possible to calculate design variants quickly and to line up the financial points next to each other. That means you can compare apples with apples.

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We also offer courses for more insight, for everyone

Become a specialist in Life Cycle Vision. With our long experience in the sector and different partnerships with recognised parties, we share our knowledge in courses to suit you. Various possibilities are covered, making the application more versatile.

For instance, with Life Cycle Vision it is possible to stimulate maximum integrated cooperation between the various construction contractors. Everyone has their own technical background and will have the technical installation knowledge to a greater or lesser extent. An overview of the standard courses we offer is given below. The content can of course be adapted in consultation with us.

Courses from Life Cycle Vision


This course covers the main points of the technical background of the application. A practical case is used to teach the most important possible applications.

  • 1 half day
  • system explanation
  • technical background
  • practical case
Request Specialist Course


This course contains the same material as the Specialist version, but goes deeper into the various installation components of the life cycle costs. We will also handle more practical cases to provide more clarity about how the application can be used.

  • 3 half days
  • technical background
  • explanation per installation component
  • multiple practical cases
Request Expert Course


This course consists of the same material as the Expert version and is suitable for tradespeople with an architectural background and for installation technicians who also want to learn about the trade across disciplines and from a higher level of abstraction.

  • 5 half days
  • system explanation
  • technical background
  • explanation per installation component.
  • extensive
Request Complete Course

Custom courses

Of course, the content can be modified in consultation with us. This could involve supplementary accents on the design phase, tender phase and/or operational phase, for example.

  • customised
  • extra emphasis possible
  • design, tender, operational phase
Request Custom Consultation

With every course, each participant receives a handy course book valued at €100 that contains all the information from the course. With more than 300 pages, it gives insight into the technical background of Life Cycle Vision!

Knowledge is power, sharing is strength

Life Cycle Vision is happy to share its knowledge, experience and application at various recognised institutions. We been teaching various courses in the subject of installation technology and life cycle costing since 2006, among others at the Avans+, HIT and BIM engineer training.  We are registered in the Central Register of Short Professional Education (Central Register Kort Beroepsonderwijs, CRKBO) and we are a member of the Dutch Association of Quantity Surveyors (Nederlandse Vereniging van Bouwkostendeskundigen, NVBK)

Custom advice and project support

If desired, we can also offer custom project support. We can provide a simple cost estimate to full technical and financial support for an extensive PPP (DBFMO) project. Among other things, we will be pleased to help with the following things:

  • Variant studies
  • Cost estimates of installations
  • Maintenance issues
  • Energy issues
  • Design management cost monitoring
  • Life cycle cost issues
Request Custom Advice

Customers who use Life Cycle Vision intelligently

  • orange climate
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  • lcv_klein_0013_DUBO techniek
  • lcv_klein_0011_Dukers & De Cock Eindhoven B.V.
  • lammerink installatietechniek
  • SRON
  • alba concepts
  • endenburg logo
  • KLIK
  • BDA_Logo_CMYK_DEF (2)
  • lcv_klein_0025_Basalt bouwadvies bv
  • B3 Bouwadviseurs
  • lcv_klein_0043_ULC Installatietechniek b.v.
  • mansveld
  • roodenburg
  • KLi advies
  • Prangerrosier-1054x675
  • Bouwkundige Begeleidings Adviesgroep (B.B.A.) B.V. logo
  • logo sensible design
  • prime advice
  • vdk advies logo
  • lcv_klein_0036_Volantis
  • lcv_klein_0009_DuurzaamNL B.V.
  • lcv_klein_0052_Raadgevend Technisch Bureau Huisman en van Muijen B.V.
  • siemens logo
  • lcv_klein_0071_Huls Bouwkostenmanagement
  • lcv_klein_0014_DGMR Bouw BV
  • logog installatiecooperatie
  • archisupport logo
  • Universiteit van Leiden
  • lcv_klein_0059_mainting
  • avansplus
  • Salland
  • Willemsen logo
  • feenstra logo
  • lcv_klein_0024_BerkhofBoerboom B.V.
  • lcv_klein_0015_Deerns Nederland B.V.
  • facilicom gr
  • logo-bongers-jansen
  • Dwindle-logo-liggend
  • Atlas Facility logo
  • multical
  • drees en sommer
  • Skaal
  • lcv_klein_0001_HaskoningDHV Nederland B.V.
  • lcv_klein_0008_EGM Architecten B.V.
  • lcv_klein_0062_Kropman Nijmegen
  • lcv_klein_0072_HEVO B.V.
  • 1579603696energa
  • lcv_klein_0050_Smits van Burgst Raadgevend Ingenieursbureau
  • lcv_klein_0027_Aveco de Bondt
  • Linthorst-slider-logo
  • Erasmus mc
  • Cosource
  • 1559114148abn amro
  • interplan bouwsupport
  • van Delft Groep logo
  • iob
  • Rijksvastgoedbedrijf
  • van tilburg energie design
  • lcv_klein_0040_Van Dorp installaties B.V.
  • i4 services
  • lcv_klein_0055_Nieman Groep BV
  • lcv_klein_0026_BAM Bouw en Techniek B.V.
  • GBM-advies
  • lcv_klein_0012_Dubourgraaf
  • Helvar
  • Turner & Townsend
  • leger des heils
  • lcv_klein_0028_AS installatie-architectuur en advies
  • van wijnen
  • bectro installatietechniek
  • lcv_klein_0068_Ingenieursbureau IOB B.V.
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  • 1663249221hemubo logo
  • lcv_klein_0067_Installatie bedrijf Deurloo B.V.
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  • lcv_klein_0045_Tes Installatietechniek Tilburg B.V.
  • Galjema B.V. Technisch Adviesbureau
  • lcv_klein_0044_TU Delft
  • Logo_ICS_Blauw_RGB
  • lcv_klein_0060_Loohuis-Meulenbeld Installatietechnieken
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  • Breman utiliteit
  • humblebuildings (1)
  • lcv_klein_0033_4building b.v.
  • lcv_klein_0066_ISIS Bouwadvies B.V.
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  • GGZfriesland
  • base consultancy
  • lcv_klein_0048_Steegman Elektrotechniek BV

        Customers speak about Life Cycle Vision

        • Life Cycle Vision wins the ISSO AWARD 2015! The award was given out during the ISSO autumn meeting, which was attended by over 140 representatives of companies and organisations in the construction and installation industry. This audience chose the winner from among the three finalists for the ISSO Award. They picked Life Cycle Vision. “The market can’t say enough about life cycle costs, but now there is finally a method to make these costs transparent and to show the added value of quality and sustainability.”

          Rob van Bergen, director of ISSO (knowledge institute for installation technology)

        • At HMC, we want to use our resources optimally, which is why we don’t only focus on the investment, but also on the operating costs. We use Life Cycle Vision to manage the budget estimates and the associated life cycle costs of the installations. This has already enabled us to steer designs in a good direction many times and to gain insight into the operating costs in advance.

          Hans Bekooy, Project Leader Sector Technology & Installations, Haaglanden Medical Center

        • It is particularly useful for the estimates in the preliminary phase and to check our own budget.

          Robin Kuipers, Loohuis-Meulenbeld, Installatietechnieken B.V.

        • We have now had our own Life Cycle Vision license for over half a year and used it for various projects. It is a great tool to compare different design variants with each other and to make substantiated choices.

          Arjen de Vries, Senior cost advisor, Dukers & De Cock

        • At Huisman & van Muijen, they use Life Cycle Vision regularly. The cost estimate seems to approach the market price closely, and we can provide clients with good insight into the operating costs over the long term. 

          Matthijs Dull, M Eng, director/advisor | BREEAM-NL expert

        • Sodexo uses Life Cycle Vision to calculate maintenance scenarios to be able to offer alternative and innovative solutions, aside from 1 to 1. Life Cycle Vision is a very user friendly program that provides us with a lot of value.

          Tom van Briemen, Sr. Cost Engineer - Dept. Center of Expertise Sodexo

        • With the Life Cycle Vision online tool, you can draw up a highly accurate technical installation cost estimate in the shortest possible time, not only of the investment costs but also of maintenance and energy consumption costs. We can then compare a number of system options (LCC) in just a few minutes and use this to show the differences to the client, and a well-founded choice can then be made. By taking the course (which is a must), you get a sense of the how the tool works, which makes it feel reliable.

          Erik Hintzen, Head of Design, ULC Installatietechniek b.v.

        • The process from rough to fine design is an important item in courses from Avans⁺. This applies in the post-HBO HIT-W, HIT-E and BIM Engineer courses. Conceptual choices are not only made on the basis of technology, sustainability and user experience, but also on the basis of life cycle costs. Budgeting on the basis of rough key figures then no longer works, and the new system from Life Cycle Vision is a very good addition in the courses. So we are happy that Bernd Karstenberg is willing to transmit his expertise to participants as an LCC instructor. Life Cycle Vision is a very valuable tool for this.

          Leo Labega, HIT-W and BIM engineer course manager, Avans⁺

        • We use Life Cycle Vision to gain insight into the cost consequences of different installation concepts in healthcare and education in the early phase of a project. I recommend every advisor to use the package to be able to direct according to the total integrated costs of a project.

          Maarten Harting, project leader, MBK / Van Aarle De Laat

        • As an advisor, Life Cycle Vision gives me a handle on the costs and development of costs within projects from the first draft design to the final specifications. Clients get the advice they are entitled to, with costs related to the real life cycle costs of a design and possible alternatives within the design. With Life Cycle Vision, I have confidence in all the aspects that are needed for a design because these aspects are easy to modify and the result is available immediately. I would give this tool a 9 out of 10.

          Leo Bout, advisor/director, Raadgevend Technisch Adviesbureau BLM

        • As a full-service installer, E/W/M&R/Industrie, we use the Estimating Tool from Life Cycle Vision a lot. We can draw up quite a detailed estimate in a short time with little data for the construction of a project and for the aftercare, service and maintenance period.

          Hennie Jansen, Head of Tenders, Kropman

        • Life Cycle Vision is a tool that can be used to calculate the financial ramifications of (different) installation concepts at every level and in every design phase in a relatively short period of time. Aside from specified cost information, it also gives useful information to check the architectural design. It is a very user friendly program with excellent customer service.  

          Raymond Luijcx, building cost advisor, ISIS bouwadvies bv

        • Steegman Elektrotechniek BV uses Life Cycle Vision to calculate the investment and operating costs of the electrical systems for projects at an early stage. With the application, it is possible to determine the most sustainable integrated building/installation solution in a short time. It also shows the architectural, mechanical and energy costs, which is helpful in our discussions with the parties involved in the construction. One of the strengths of the application is that changes to one part of the design are adjusted in all the disciplines and alternatives can also be compared with each other quickly.

          Jan Ham, head of company office, Steegman Elektrotechniek BV

        • Some positive points of Life Cycle Vision are that good indications of the life cycle costs of a project can be given quickly and with little information and that variants can be calculated easily.

          Esther Gerritsen, energy & environment advisor, Techniplan

        • As the technical installations become an increasingly important part of the building, you want more certainty about the various calculations that underpin the outcomes. Do those solar panels really result in more economical operation, or is the only benefit actually just a nice EPC score? Furthermore – and this is what is particularly interesting for us as architects – this software quickly gives insight into the physical space that you need for the technical systems. And you can calculate out variants very quickly.

          Leo Visser, quantity surveyor, EGM Architects

        • Clients want a well-founded overview of their future operating bills. You can determine the power needed for the generators, the number of metres of pipes, or the number of grates fairly precisely. Life Cycle Vision saves us a quite a lot of time.

          Cornell de Bruin, installation advisor, NIAG

        • Setting up a project quickly and immediately having a result works very well with Life Cycle Vision. The more parameters are established, the more you can refine, so the calculation grows together with the project.

          Kenny Vonk, M Eng, installation technician, abt

        • In this way, we can quickly, easily and accurately make a cost estimate in a draft design or preliminary design phase, which the construction team can use to make well-considered primary installation choices in relation to the TCO. We also use it to test the feasibility of a project in an early stage. It is important to us that the package is set up independently of suppliers and is based on the most common standards and norms in the market.

          Bas Damen, Manager of Design & Technology, TES Installatietechniek

        • At Valstar Simonis, we increasingly use Life Cycle Vision to compare different systems with each other and to check our own estimates. It is a user-friendly program with which you can quickly gain insight into the cost aspects of design solutions. This offers clear added value for clients, because much better decisions can be made, which are substantiated at an earlier stage.

          Eric Steinebach, branch director, Valstar Simonis Apeldoorn

        now from
        € 162
        per month

        Experience a free week of Life Cycle Vision

        • Calculate the life cycle costs with the push of a button
        • Suitable for all phases (design, construction and operation)
        • Complete design tool including maintenance and energy
        • Over 600 parameters available
        • Up to date investment, maintenance and energy costs
        • Start now
        • All building and user installations
        • Full functionality
        • Can be used on desktop, tablet and mobile
        • No separate software necessary
        • Your projects available everywhere
        Yes, I would like a free demo